R.I.P Fishies

before I get into the sad details of our dying fish…

Breakfast was Pumpkin Oat Bran topped with PB and granola. I am curious how long oat bran without PB would keep me full because the combo really sits like a brick in my stomach.
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I am loving this pecan granola by the way…

Marathon Training: 4.5 miles – I just wanted to run a bit, but didn’t have much time and my legs are exhausted so this works ?

The night before last Ghost face Killa passed away. Then, last night Chinchilla was found lying on the bottom of the tank. We buried them outside (that was Ben’s idea, I’m a flusher) and said something good about them. It’s really sad because Chincilla has nine babies that are now motherless ? We don’t know why they both died, two days in a row, but we’re looking into possible problems with the tank, feeding, temp…

Banana Hammock is really depressed…(sorry the picture is blurry, he wouldn’t stop swimming)

I have a conference in the city today. toivota minulle onnea ?

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Jakaminen on välittämistä!







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